
Breathing in deeply ...

Yeyyyyy!!!! We're going hooooooooommmee to colorado for the weekend! Ryan, Erik and me. Yeeey for roadtrips through the night and candy pit stops! Yey for meeting new little brothers, ( who might I mention we bought the coolest firetruck ever for!.. yeah yeah, buying his love... we know this already..and its a brillent idea aye? ) Yey for cool mountain air, long gray coats, mittens and scarves! Yey for good home cooked food! Yeyy for lots and lots of pictures and photoshoots and memories that will be made! Yeyy for living and breathing and tasting life. Sigh. Ohhhh I'm so excited it's finally today!

... and to get in the roadtripin' mood while Ry and Erik work and I wait (im) patiently.... ( did I mention that I'm worse then a kid on christmas eve? I hate to wait almost more then Ry! See my mom never made me sing the clarence the turtle song... "have patience have patience when your in a hurry... " Oh poor Ry. And I still can't help laughing over it! Anyways with both of us extremely impatient... we make a very why- wait- for- tomorrow- when-we-could-do-it-today-and-do-something-else-fun-tomorrow kind of team... I mean, this could maybe and possibly be a good quality?? ) anyways.. as i ramble and write and wait and wait .. I drink mug after mug of coffee and blare my music. Loud. Currently listening to...

it helps to pass the time... sorta.

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This is me....

My photo
LA county, California, United States
I am married to an amazing man named Ryan. He is the love of my life and my best friend. As of January 2008 I officially started my own photography business, Beloise Photography. I picked the name because it is something that doesn't exist.... something that i wanted to sum up into a word but couldn't. It is the smell of fresh cut grass and hide and seek in the dark. It is a new pair of fabulous shoes. It is fall and all its glory... starry summer nights. Apple cider and fresh picked flowers. Beloise is all that you taste, touch, see and love dearly. The smells that trigger childhood memory's. All your favorite things in one word. A song that speaks to your soul. Sublime happiness. A field of daisy's. Firefly's. Mistletoe. City lights. The smell of homemade cookies. The first snow.... Beloise is about cherishing life. Savoring the moments. Breathing deeply.... and just living...