
E session I 40's fashion

They fell in love over coffee.

When Lydia told her friends about a boy who she liked to debate with after she got off of work, they all raised their eyebrows and smiled knowingly. The couple would meet up at the local coffee shop and talk long after it closed into the wee hours of the morning. Religion. Politics. Movies and Music. After a while the topic wasn't really important anymore... and they began to fall in love. Her friends said he must be something special. Lydia knew he was. And the rest they say.. is history.

Lydia and Daniel wanted something different for their engagement pictures. Something that would be considered art on their walls. After much thought they decided on a 40's fashion feel at Union Station in downtown LA...







1 comment:

Shyla said...

YOU SOOOOOO ROCKED IT!!! I didnt even recognize it was Lydia at first!

crazy. :)

but you my love.... are a supah-star!


How many visits:

This is me....

My photo
LA county, California, United States
I am married to an amazing man named Ryan. He is the love of my life and my best friend. As of January 2008 I officially started my own photography business, Beloise Photography. I picked the name because it is something that doesn't exist.... something that i wanted to sum up into a word but couldn't. It is the smell of fresh cut grass and hide and seek in the dark. It is a new pair of fabulous shoes. It is fall and all its glory... starry summer nights. Apple cider and fresh picked flowers. Beloise is all that you taste, touch, see and love dearly. The smells that trigger childhood memory's. All your favorite things in one word. A song that speaks to your soul. Sublime happiness. A field of daisy's. Firefly's. Mistletoe. City lights. The smell of homemade cookies. The first snow.... Beloise is about cherishing life. Savoring the moments. Breathing deeply.... and just living...