
I had just got done running with the dogs. My mind was clear and I felt refreshed. I was ready to work. On the way in I decided to check my mail. Bills, bills, and yea....

T-mobile was one of them. My usual bill is somewhere around a 100 dollars with my faves and unlimited texting. Well imagine my surprise when this bill was 237 dollars. And 54 cents. What the?

So I call T-mobile bound and determined to be tough ( I was a CSR for dish network in college so sometimes i melt under the pressure and stop being mean because I know what its like to be on the other end of the call) anyways.... so the plan was to be tough and threaten to cancel my service if they don't explain to me why my bill is so high and don't offer to help me...

and Joe answered. And he was getting married in October and has a fifteen month old. Him and his finance are getting married at a ski lodge in the mountains. And he does photography in his spare time. He was really nice...

and I lost my meanness and ended up joking around with him ..

and I still have a bill of 237. and 54 cents.



Kellee Smith said...

WHAT A FUNNY STORY! Thanks for your comments on my blog! I enjoyed the read...

Brooke said...

hahaha your so funny and should be a writter! not that your photos are beautiful as well :) I have t mobile ...if you would have been tough. it would have worked :) I do it allllllll time.

AHS Photography said...

Thanks for stopping by our blog! I'm so glad I found your blog! You do beautiful work and I love how personal your blog is. I will be back for sure :)

Brooke said...

thanks for the input! I totally agree about being right for the site but jess id so many fun shots I left out that I want to show them for her! I dying to see some more work so get posting!

sheena jibson said...

thanks so much for stopping by my blog!! LOVE your work!! and your music...I think we're friends:)

my husband and I took a cruise last year and didn't know about the phone charges....our bill was $700!!!! I peed my pants. but my husband sweet talked her down to like $150....phew!

Brooke said...

whats funny is it makes me equally happy when people dig my music finds as much as my photography! Im really loyal with my music and addicted to finding new stuff! have you heard gavins new cd. I was always a bush fan and his solo cd I love...but it might be the loyalty in me. listen to love remains the same, the skin Im in is amazing!!


How many visits:

This is me....

My photo
LA county, California, United States
I am married to an amazing man named Ryan. He is the love of my life and my best friend. As of January 2008 I officially started my own photography business, Beloise Photography. I picked the name because it is something that doesn't exist.... something that i wanted to sum up into a word but couldn't. It is the smell of fresh cut grass and hide and seek in the dark. It is a new pair of fabulous shoes. It is fall and all its glory... starry summer nights. Apple cider and fresh picked flowers. Beloise is all that you taste, touch, see and love dearly. The smells that trigger childhood memory's. All your favorite things in one word. A song that speaks to your soul. Sublime happiness. A field of daisy's. Firefly's. Mistletoe. City lights. The smell of homemade cookies. The first snow.... Beloise is about cherishing life. Savoring the moments. Breathing deeply.... and just living...